How To Install A Rubber Roof On A Camper

Roofs of RVs are an extremely crucial component of your RV. It needs to be shielded from the weather conditions wherever you may be parked. You must ensure that it is protected from rough elements such as dust, fog rainstorms, sandstorms, and more.

A top-quality rubber roof for your RV can protect the roof. But, there are some who might not be able to install it correctly. To help you in the installation process we have put together an easy-to-follow guide that you can easily follow. Read step by step and you’ll be ready to start.

Material & Tools Required For Installation

Before beginning the installation process it is essential to be prepared with all the materials and tools in your possession so you won’t be lacking these. Here’s a list of the materials you’ll require:

  • Roof made of rubber
  • Roof adhesive
  • Lap sealant
  • Paint roller
  • Ladder
  • Screwdriver
  • Putty knife
  • Shears made of metal or saw (for taking off the metal roof)
  • Electric sander

You can manually sand however we suggest using an electric sander to get faster and more effective results. If you’re not able to purchase this device it is possible to borrow or rent one from a friend.

Shears are only required in the event that your RV has an old metal roof that requires replacement. If the roof is already roofing made of rubber, there is no need for shears.

How Do You Repair Your Motorhome or RV Roof With EPDM or TPO

Follow these steps with care to set up a rubber roof for your vehicle:

Step 1

It is necessary to remove vents, hoods, and houses from your roof in order to start the process. Housings and vents can be removed by removing them using the aid of a Phillips or 1/4” screwdriver head. It is also possible to make use of a putty blade to scrape away the lap sealant, which can be used to pull the housing or vent away from the roofing.

Step 2

Also, you will need to remove all strips, termination bars, or caps that are on the RV. For this, you’ll require an ax to cut off the lap sealant covering the screws. Then, you’ll just remove the screws and unwind these components.

If your termination bars and drip edge are secured or fixed with rivets, you will need to use a chisel or a hammer to break off the head of the rivet.

Step 3

This step is essential for those who need to replace their roof or install a brand new one. If you have already an existing roof made from rubber you’ll need to tear the roof of rubber to remove it. Shears can be used to remove an old metal roof if your RV is equipped with one. Be sure to wear a protective jacket since you’ll be dealing with scraps of steel.

Step 4

Simply taking off the roof won’t accomplish the task. Also, you must clean the deck to make it ready for the new roof. If you discover that there are a lot of unevenness within the deck, then it is possible to sand it down or use seam tapes to fill in any gaps that are not needed within the seams. It is also possible to replace any foundations for the roof with plywood as needed. Be sure that the roof isn’t wet prior to placing the glue. Make sure that the roof’s surface is level to ensure that the roof’s fit is more secure and lasts for a longer period.

Step 5

In this case, there is a chance that you’ll need additional assistance. The best method of doing this is to cover sections of your roof at one time. Start by putting the new rubber roof roll on one side of the roof. Then, try adhering to the roof’s rubber surface on the deck. It is recommended that you put it on in small sections and then move towards the end. This will ensure that the roof is properly sealed. The next step is to employ a paint roller to place the adhesive on the roof deck, and then lay the new roof sheet over it. Check for air bubbles. You can also trim off roofing material that isn’t needed by using a knife, to ensure it fits perfectly.

Step 6

Once you’ve set up the roof, you’ll have to create new holes to fit the vents, hoods, and housings that you put aside. It is a simple matter to use a sharp tool to complete the task. It is suggested to cut holes in an “X” shape, that allows you to fold the flaps down when fixing the pieces.

Step 7

In the final step, you’ll need to replace all vents, termination bars strip edges for drips and caps. Check that everything is consistent and then trim off the extra materials to create a neat surface. Be sure to ensure that the roof is installed correctly prior to trying to reinstall the components to the roof deck. If your RV has rivets that secured certain components You may have to move the part prior to reinstalling it. It is recommended to utilize screws to secure the parts since they will be simpler to remove later when you install the roof.

These are the steps you must follow to put up a new roof of rubber for your motorhome. At the end of the day we’d like to remind you of some things to keep in mind while you are installing an entirely new roof:

  • Make sure that the deck is level before trying to put the roof onto it.
  • Use screws to secure removable parts to ensure that you are able to easily repair the roof as needed.
  • When you apply the membrane and glue ensure that there are air bubbles. Otherwise, it will not be properly secured.
  • Although you could do it all by yourself, however, it is best to find a third party to assist you as it can help the job go faster.
  • Maintain the roof in a timely manner and replace it at a regular interval to prevent accidents on the road.

Written by David Myer, verified and edited by Den Kyle.

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David Meyers

David Meyers

Hello, I'm David, and I am an outdoorsman with over 20 years of experience hunting, camping, and backpacking around North America. I love writing, reading, and contributing here at Dens Camp Guide.