Do I Need To Ground My Generator When Camping? Easy Guide

Yes, you must connect your generator to the ground for better security and to reduce the chance of electrocution as well as damage to connected appliances. Some generators are already grounded to the frame of metal. Others require to be grounded using an underground ground rod. Follow the manufacturers recommendations.

Generators for camping are a boon in the wild. They can power your electronics, brighten your RV or campsite, and allow you to prepare delicious meals even if don’t have an propane stove. However, since it’s an electrical generator, you must be sure to set it up correctly in order for safe use. One of the safety factors is properly grounding the generator.

Do I have to connect my generator to the ground when camping? You might ask. Generators are mobile and require grounding every time you establish an area for camping could seem like an overwhelming task. But…

Let’s take a look in greater detail in order to comprehend the reasons why it is important to ground your generator and which generators must be grounded and the best method to ground your portable camping generator.

What is the reason for grounding?

The grounding of any electrical device provides the minimal resistance to short-circuited current that allows it to escape in the earth. This alternate route stops the fault current from traveling through the human body and cause electrocutions or damaging expensive equipment it crosses.

If you take a look at the majority of electronic equipment you have that you have in your home, you’ll notice that they use a three-prong plug. The two prongs are HOT and NEUTRAL terminals. While that third one is called the GROUND terminal.

The third terminal is attached to the body of the appliance and serves to carry any short-circuited electric current. This GROUND terminal runs through the wall receptacle and connect to the main box, where it’s connected to the underground line (a physical wire or rod that is buried 8 feet beneath the ground).

The video below explains what the term “ground” means in basic terms for those who want to know more about the concept.

Do all generators have to be connected?

Like your home’s electric supply has a ground line that drains any faulty current to ground, your generator should be able to eliminate any defective current to the ground in a safe and secure manner.

Though all generators have to be grounded to ensure security reasons, certain generators may be grounded using the ground terminal on the Receptacles as well as other parts that are not current-carrying (fuel tank block, engine block, and so on.) into the frame. Even if your generator placed on pads of rubber (usually employed to make it quieter) the frame still acts as a base.

Other models require a separate ground rod that is connected to a terminal located within the body. It differs between models and is also affected by the local electrical safety regulations.

What can I do to determine when my generator should be grounded?

How can you determine if your generator requires a special ground rod or not? To understand this, you must first check the owner’s manual of your generator. If it calls for a designated ground rod, then that’s what you need to do (I will discuss the process of grounding in the following paragraphs).

For instance, if you have an example of a YAMAHA Ef2000iS (a quite well-known campsite generator), the manual recommends connecting the earth terminal of the generator in the line of earth (or grounded rod) in the event that your electrical appliances are grounded(i-e in the event that your refrigerator or oven uses a three-prong plug rather than a two-prong plug).

Simply put, if you’re operating an appliance that has three prongs, you must connect your generator to an earthing rod. Grounding requirement for YAMAHA EF2000iS camping generator

Another well-known campsite generator model can be found in the WEN56203i. I read the manual and they recommend grounded the generator using 12 AWG wire, but suggests following local grounding codes in case they exceed this. Grounding requirement for WEN 56203i camping generator

It is enough to say that each manufacturer has their own specifications depending on the way in which the generator was designed. For absolute safety read the owner’s manual and adhere to the guidelines of the manufacturer.

If the manual of your generator does not contain any specifics or you don’t have the manual to research the requirements and follow the guidelines your local code says. The local code may differ from one location to another but they all provide the essential security requirements for generators.

Does generator grounding have to be legally required?

If you reside in the US the body that governs you for this situation is OSHA. I am a mechanical engineer however, to fully comprehend the requirement of grounding for portable generators, i contacted my buddy Farooq, who’s an electrical engineer and the founder of the and has extensive knowledge of the installation of electrical systems for various types of applications.

It was explained by him the OSHA requirements for portable generators to me. I’m going to clarify to make it easier for you to understand.

In accordance with OSHA directives (29 CFR 1926.404(f)(3)(i) that it is not necessary for you to connect your generator using the use of a ground rod when you can prove that the following requirements are satisfied:

  1. The electrical equipment you are running directly through the recapticals that are mounted in your generator (i-e you’re not connecting your house’s primary line).
  2. Metal components (engine and fuel tank, etc.) are attached to the frame of the generator and that receptacle’s GROUND terminal attached to the frame, too (this is almost on every generator)

The first one indicates that you’re running your equipment directly from the generator, or directly plugging them into or using the extension cable. This is the case with the majority of camping generators. If the generator you are using is connected to the home’s main circuit, that won’t be the case.

The second requirement is that all non-current carrying body parts must connect electrically to the frame in order to function as a ground (consider the frame of your generator as a mini-earth). This is true for nearly all generators that use electricity.

To summarize, you don’t need the use of a grounding rod when you’re using your portable generator to power small devicess like lighting or the small space heater to heat your tent. Make sure that the generator is grounded. The only difference is that you don’t require an additional rod to achieve it.

Grounding your camping generator is not difficult or too technical. It’s not necessary to be any electricians or handymen accomplish it. All you require are some items you can find easily in any hardware store and on Amazon.


To make sure your generator is grounded to ground it, you will need the following equipment and components.

  1. 4 feet of copper or steel rod coated with copper 4 feet long copper or copper coated steel rod Amazon Link4 feet long copper or copper coated steel rod [ Amazon link
  2. NEC compliant solid copper wire [Amazon link]
  3. Hammer or mallet
  4. Adjustable wrench

How To Ground Your Generator

You can read our in-depth guide on how to ground a generator when camping for a great overview of grounding a generator if you are still unsure.

  1. Pick a suitable ground area for the rod to be buried. Be sure that the ground isn’t dry or sandy since the two causes poor conductivity. A slightly damp soil is the ideal spot.
  2. With a mallet, or sludge hammer, you can pound the rod for grounding into the ground for 3 feet maximum.
  3. Utilizing the camp, connect your copper wire with the rod for grounding and then tighten the nut using the wrench.
  4. Connect the other wire’s end to the grounding terminal of your generator (most campsite generators include this in the back of the control panel, as well). It is marked with a the ground symbol.
  5. Make sure all connections are checked and make sure that both connections are secure and tight.

What happens if you fail to connect a generator to the ground?

The grounding of the generator can be a security measure. If you do not ground your generator, and there aren’t any short circuits in its operation, then everything is good. If an electrical short occurs when the generator is not grounded It could happen as follows:

  • The result is electrocution if someone gets their hands on the appliance. This can lead to electrocution if someone touches the short
  • Damage your expensive electric equipments
  • It is possible to burn and damage your wiring.
  • Could cause a fire in your trailer or camper.

It’s generally recommended to connect your generator to the ground if you intend to use any equipment that is heavy such as the electrical kettle or heater, but it’s perfect for smaller electrical items and gives you the ability to charge your phone when camping.

How do you connect the generator to an trailer?

If you’re in the wilderness of your RV or trailer and are using an electric generator to power the RV equipment, you’ll need to grounded your generator. The most effective method to ground it is connecting its ground terminal to frame that is on your RV. You could also make use of a ground rod accomplish this if you wish to make sure you are secure.


Generators at campsites are an essential element of outdoor activities. In order to operate them safely they require an adequate grounding system to reduce any chance of short-circuiting. To ensure your generator is safe adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines to ground.

If the manufacturer doesn’t offer any instruction, you can consult the local electrical code to check if they can offer any information. If you are unable to do any of the above simply pound four feet of a rod in the earth and attach it to the grounded terminal of your generator. You’ll be able operating your portable generator with out any worries.

Other Questions Asked

Do I have to connect my car’s battery to my generator?

Yes, you are able to ground the generator to your car chassis, which will serve as a ground.

How deep should a rod for grounding must be to support portable generators?

NEC recommends that the ground rod be 8 feet in depth. However, for portable generators that is used for camping, just a few feet beneath the ground is enough to ensure a reliable electrical connection.

Do I have to connect my generator to the ground for tailgating?

If you’re tailgating, you can connect the ground terminal of your generator to the car’s chassis and it’s enough to supply a good ground.

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David Meyers

David Meyers

Hello, I'm David, and I am an outdoorsman with over 20 years of experience hunting, camping, and backpacking around North America. I love writing, reading, and contributing here at Dens Camp Guide.